It is a series of public art objects for the urban environment.
A sculpture is an element of the architectural space, designed to improve the urban environment. Most often the object of a statue is a subject of the ideological agenda, some character who or which is always separated from a spectator with a “pedestal,” a boundary element.
The main characters of the project are the regular people in the city. They are not burdened with any heroic or ideological promises. They are the crowd in the metro, “gopniks” in kindergarten, a person smoking near the bank, the spectators watching cardsharper’s game. It forms the anti-sculpture aesthetics - grey masses frozen at the stage of shaping their physicality. In many ways, they become similar to mimicry that every city inhabitant undergoes in his or her routine and repetitive actions.
By appearing at the places of direct interaction with the spectators, the project makes it possible to erase the distinction between the observer and the object of observation. Moreover, the transformation of the spectators themselves occurs during this interaction, and they become a part of the Faceless Mass. A semantic paradox taking place, the project drags into its orbit.